Los Angeles, CA 90015
Auto Repair and Service
AAA and ASE approved.
Call us: 1-213-747-2847
Diagnostic Services
We take care for your vehicle
We use the latest diagnostic tools to troubleshoot problems with your vehicle. Newer vehicles come equipped with dozens of sensors and computers to regulate proper function.
Our techs are well versed in properly diagnosing your vehicles problems. A proper diagnosis means the correct repairs can be made and customers can drive away with peace of mind.
30/60/90k Mile Service
We can take a look under the hood
Several auto manufacturers now require 30/60/90k mile service intervals to be performed to maintain the factory warranty. We perform the same factory service at a fraction of what a dealership will charge you. These inspections are meant to inspect and find issues before they require a repair, as well as making sure your vehicle is running optimally to factory spec.
Performing these service intervals also increases the resale value and increase the longevity of your vehicle. We perform the same maintenance service you will find at the dealership. Our shop has the latest diagnostic utilities to read factory trouble codes, view recall bulletins and vehicle consumer complaints.
Tow Service
Need a tow? Call us to schedule a pickup. We have over 30 tow trucks to make sure you are not stranded for long. We will even waive the tow bill if your repair exceeds $500.
Call us at 213-747-2847